I’m always looking for traditions to start with my littles and one of the easiest ones that I’ve found is the ’14 Things I Love About You’ Valentine’s tradition. I love it because it’s easy and my kids love it because they love hearing all of the little things that I love about them. And because none of us have extra time, I’m going to make it easier for you.

When I first started this tradition I had to cut out the hearts from construction paper. And of course I wanted a few different colors so I needed to get extra paper. I’m making it easier for you: print off the sheets of hearts below and cut them out. Write a reason you love your child on each heart (you’ll only need 14, there’s a few extra), and tape one to their bedroom door each night from February 1st to the 14th. That’s it. Could it be any easier?

Kids love these little traditions and I love nothing more than doing them to see their smiles. But sometimes being a mom can get overwhelming, so don’t make it harder on yourself than it has to be. You can do little traditions like this that they’ll remember forever that don’t take much preparation on your part.

Download your heart printables here.
And in case you’re like me and you need a little help coming up with 14 things you love about your kid (listen, sometimes it’s the end of the night and I just can’t think straight), here’s a good list to start with:
- You are sweet.
- You are cuddly.
- You are silly.
- You are beautiful.
- You are inspiring.
- You are touching.
- You are unique.
- You are hopeful.
- You are joyful.
- You are sincere.
- You are determined.
- You’re full of potential.
- You are funny.
- You are loving.
- You are daring.
- You are artistic.
- You are athletic.
- You are creative.
- You’re a great big/little sister/brother.
- You make me laugh.