In our house, the week of the Masters is a holiday in itself (as are the playoffs for hockey, football, and pretty much every other sporting event). I love to surprise my husband anyway, so I took the Masters as an opportunity to add a little holiday fun into our lives. While he was at work, I turned our “mantle” into a Masters masterpiece! Okay so that may be a little overzealous of me, but give me a break, I’m excited! I was so happy with the way it turned out, I have to post photos.
I did this all in a bit of a hurry, of course I wasn’t prepared for a Masters Mantle Masterpiece! I mean, who is?! So I ran to Party City, where I knew they sold the hanging lanterns. Because they’re a little pricey there (only $6.99 but still more than I wanted to spend), I suggest checking out other stores first. I then ran into Target and picked up the golf tees (around $5) and I opted for the plastic “golf balls” because they were cheaper for the bigger quantity ($5 for 24). It would look better if you had your own practice golf balls at home you could use, but the cheap option is still a good option. Lastly, I went into the Dollar Tree – I wonder if there will ever be a week without a quick stop at the DT – grabbed the Easter grass, and picked up two extra vases that I needed. I had the green tape at home, but you could use ribbon or any sort of green accent. I also picked up green licorice just to add a little flavor to the piece. Every other item I found around my house, and just added it to the mantle to give it substance. Anything green or white looked great! For the lanterns, I just printed out the “Titleist” logo (easy to Google) and taped it to the side.
Decorations are never enough fun for me, so I wanted to do something a little extra. I took about 20 golf tees, tied little Masters trivia notes to each, and hid around the house. I left him a note that said he would find them for the rest of the week hidden among his things. Because I wasn’t as well prepared last night, I hand wrote all my trivia questions. I’m better prepared today, so I created a PDF you can easily print, cut out, and tie to golf tees yourself. You can find it here: Golf Trivia. I just put the answers on the back of the cards. If you’d like to see the questions separately, you can find them here.
I LOVE this! The Masters is also a very serious week for my boyfriend so I will definitely be taking up your brilliant idea!
Thank you!