We’ve all been there. Okay, well most of us normal people have been there (I say normal in the very lightest sense of the word). That moment when the person you were planning on marrying, raising babies with…or okay, maybe you were just planning on watching the next season of Friday Night Lights with…suddenly wants nothing to do with you anymore. Besides wine, ice cream, wine, cookies, wine, tequila shots, and more wine…there is not much you can do to heal a broken heart. It isn’t worse to watch someone else go through it (how dare you take away their tragedy!), but it does hurt to watch it happen to the people we love.
Recently, a friend that shall remain nameless, went through a similar situation to the described above. Except that it may have involved more wine, less raising of babies, and possibly some deviled eggs (Deviled Eggs are ahhhhmazing). I didn’t want to sit by and watch her feel horrible and upset, but what can you do? I didn’t want her to feel pitied, but I wanted to do something. I looked online for something to send (no woman should be sent flowers as a break-up gift, take note) but to no avail. No one has apparently come up with anything fun for cheering up a friend! Although I could have easily sent her a bottle of tequila and some limes, I just didn’t think it was creative enough coming from me! It had to be a little more thoughtful.
Enter my brilliant mind (okay so it’s not brilliant, but it’s at least a little creative). Since I was always making birthday boxes for friends, why not make a breakup box? That way it could be a little more fun than a card that could potentially make her cry. And then drink more wine.My first step was decorating my USPS Flat Rate box (if you guessed that ahead of time, you know me too well). This time I used Modge Podge to not only put decorative paper around the inside, but I also printed out ‘Inspirational’ quotes and adhered them to the back and bottom of the box. Everyone can use good motivation, especially in these dire times.
Because every woman loves Ryan Gosling (except for me…I think I may be alone in this), I put in a little Ryan Gosling book that I found at Urban Spoon gift store. I also found cute little candy mints with a saying that made me laugh out loud, so it must have given her a good chuckle. “Sometimes people just need a high five. In the face. With a chair.” – Right?
I went to the Dollar Tree – no surprise there – and picked up some essentials: eye drops, lip gloss (for future kissing episodes), tissues, band-aids (for healing), and some of the candies shown below (Laffy Taffy’s, Swedish Fish, Gummy Worms, and Cry Babies). I also picked up a small bottle of alcohol, and some fun candies from a vintage candy store in our town: Good News candy bar (because she could use a little good news), the gummy frogs (pictured below), and candy cigarettes (she may just need a smoke).
I put together these cute little tags to add to the candy bags (Print them here: BreakUp Box). After printing, I adhered them to matching decorative paper, and used a scalloped scissor to cut them out (just added a little detail).
Men are Snakes – Gummy Worms
Stop Kissing Frogs – Gummy Frogs
When You Need a Good Laugh – Laffy Taffy
An Excuse for Tears – Cry Baby’s
There’s Plenty of Fish in the Sea – Swedish FishOverall, I think the box turned out really cute and gave her a good laugh. Hopefully it reminded her that I am here for her and she is not alone (because we all need that reminder every once in a while). And hopefully she has been saving the corks from all the wine she is drinking…she does have a crafty friend after all. Is it too much to ask? 😉
Brilliant idea.
I did something similar a few years back, for a friend that was low. I called it The Little Blue Box (feeling blue…see?). I have to admit I spent a small fortune on the contents, but enjoyed it immensely and it was very much appreciated.
I had all the rudimentary things in there, like her favourite brand of cigarettes, little book of jokes, bits of make-up and perfume to make her feel pretty. I also put in little framed photo of her daughter, hand-made cards, a letter from me to her, jewellery charms, various oils meant to alter her mood, chocolates, dvd and *whispers* something for the lady *coughs*!
Anyway, I really love this idea. The Break-up Box is definitely one I want to have a go at. Now I just have to wait for one of my friends to get dumped 😀
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