Yay! I’ve finally made it in the real world. That is, for those of you (like myself) that think of the blogging world as the real world. I’ve been nominated for the Lovely Blog Award! First, I’d like to thank my mom, husband, and cousin Michelle for reading every post I publish, mainly for the sake of being able to say that they did indeed read it when I question them later. I’d like to thank all of those friends and family that also read my blog, mainly so they can check up on me to be sure I haven’t trashed them in any way whatsoever. I’d also like to thank all of my followers (without whom this wouldn’t be possible) for their laughter (if they ever do, indeed, laugh), their pointer fingers (for clicking the “like” button on an occasional post), and for their high school keyboarding class (that gave them the ability to write a comment every now and again).
On a more honest note: I do feel extremely grateful to have “friends” in the blogging world that have nominated me, because it makes me feel like a part of something. Corny, yes.
So first of all, the real person I can thank for this nomination is Britney at All Things Britney Lee. Her blog is a great lifestyle blog, and I enjoy reading her posts about life in general. She is extremely optimistic and has a great attitude about life. She is someone you’d want to be your best friend. That, and she does hair. Can you get a better best friend?I also want to kind of combine this post with a nomination I was given for the Liebster Award from Lora at Hope Courage Inspiration. Thank you so much for the nomination, and sorry it’s taken me so long to actually write a post! Lora is a really fun optimistic blogger that brings inspiration to her followers.
So onto the post: 7 Facts about ME!
1. I’m an only child. You’d probably never guess that from my bratty attitude, but it’s true. My parents had me, saw perfection, and decided they couldn’t submit another child to that comparison.
2. I played the piano for 7 years. I wasn’t that good, but I could at least carry a tune. Which I cannot do with my voice. Even though I sang church choir solos for years. Seriously. What were my parents thinking? I’d be the kid now trying out for American Idol because my parents always told me how great I was. Sometimes the truth hurts. But it’s better than being humiliated in front of the entire country. Or even the entire church.
3. I actively play the lottery. I really want to win. I don’t understand people who say that they would continue working if they won the lottery. What is wrong with you?!?! I am getting out of this workplace (not that I don’t love my job)! But what is the point of winning the lottery if you’re not going to spend that money living your life to the fullest. And the fullest does not involve waking up at 6am every day to get to work on time.
4. I invited Taylor Swift to my wedding. This was at the same time that she was publicly busted for throwing away her fan mail. Needless to say, she did NOT attend my wedding. I shed a tear as I danced the night away in my glittery shoes. Her loss.
5. My hair is naturally dark brown. I know this comes as a HUGE shocker to most of you, but nope, the blonde is not natural. And of course that’s a joke, because it’s obviously not natural. It’s just that most people don’t expect it to be as dark as it really is.
6. My whole life I wanted about 6 children. Now, I’m not sure if I even want one. Growing up, I prayed and prayed that one day I’d have twins, and now that thought scares the living daylights out of me. That CANNOT happen! Besides, I was blessed with my little twin “sisters” about 20 years ago (see their blog below), and that’s good enough for me.
7. I’ve always wanted to write a book (big surprise right, blogging is never the first step). There are two problems with this. One: I can’t write anything of length that is halfway decent. Two: I doubt anyone would read whatever I would finally come up with. Other than my parents, my husband, and maybe my cat. If I’m lucky. Lucy really doesn’t like to be bothered.
Now onto my nominations of others! I assume that many of my favorite bloggers have either already done this, or don’t have the time in their amazing schedules (seriously, their lives look like so much fun!). However, I’m going to give them a shout-out anyway, because, well, they’re awesome.
Meg at The Half and Half Blog. She is HILARIOUS and always has me laughing out loud at my desk. Not to mention her Facebook posts crack me up on a regular basis. I literally wish she was my real friend, not just my blogging friend. We can all dream.
Julia at Bunny Baubles. She looks like one of the best friends you could have on your block. She throws the coolest parties, and is an amazing crafter (obviously I love her).
Megan from [Insert Title Here]. I know Megan personally, and I love her AND her blog. It’s a great view into the life of a college student, one that works her ass off and is fabulous at the same time.
and last but definitely not least:
Britta & Carli at Twinspiration22. These two are my little sisters. I know I know, I just said I was an only child – they’re not REALLY my little sisters. I had to adopt them as so, so I wasn’t so alone in the world. But they also have a fabulous lifestyle blog that I love to read. It makes me feel a little younger, more on their page. They’re much cooler than me. My goal in life is to be featured on their blog. I feel a little bit like Kim Kardashian with two cooler younger sisters. Only without the ass. Or the boobs. Okay, I’m actually nothing like KK.
I think you could write a novel and I know I would read it….well maybe.
If you were bored maybe. In the dead of winter. If there were no other books around.
So I’m having this party, I’ll be serving a hundred million bottles of wine. Want to come?
Yay love you doll!! And yes let’s be best friends! Haha
I literally laughed out loud at you first fact! Your parents didn’t have another child because you are perfection. Yes. Haha
A girl can make up her own stories right? 😉
Totally 😉
Thank you!!!
Congratulations! 🙂
Thanks! Thank you for reading!
Congrats sweety 🙂
Thank you!! 🙂
Congratulations, and thank you thank you lovely lady! 🙂
I’m having a celebratory party, want to party plan for me? Hehe…;)
Congrats Shauna! Love your blog! 🙂
Thank you soooooooo much!! It really means a lot to me! 🙂
I just nominated you for a Liebster Award!:)
Congrats! This post was perfect, thanks for the shout out! It made my day. Well that and seeing my all-time crush in real life 😉
Awww I’m glad I was able to make a dent in the all amazing day! I still can’t believe that you saw him! HOTTTTTTTTTT!
Shauna, I love your blog and read every one you post. You have so much talent and you should be proud of it. Congrats on this nomination. What a great accomplishment
Oh my gosh THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! It really means a lot to me that you read it! Even if it’s a little boring at times. I’m working on getting better! 🙂
I’m SOOO lame. I just figured out how to comment on your blog! (And I’m supposed to be the techy generation…!) You’re the sweetest. LOVE LOVE LOVE this and you. Love your blog and love you, girly! Xoxo
Hahaha I guess I need to teach you a few more things. 😉 THANK YOU!!!!!!
I loved reading your “7 facts”! You crack me up with your self deprecating sense of humor. Regarding writing a book…YOU MUST try to at some point. I would read it:)
Thank you!! I’m glad you enjoy my posts. I try not to take life too seriously. 🙂
Congratulations! Very well deserved!!