Today I woke up to a wonderful little treat. No, my husband did not bring me breakfast in bed. Although at least it’s now on his radar, since I know he’s a loyal husband and is reading my blog religiously.
In all actuality, Liz from Liz and Lifestyle decided to treat her readers (ME!) with some fun facts about her. Her goal was for her readers to get to know her a little better, and then for us to return the favor. And I can’t just leave her hanging, now can I? Since we have so much contact with each other in the blog world (which I pretend is my real life), why not learn a little bit more about each other. So without further ado:
What’s your nickname? Sparkle, Sparklepants…anything Sparkle related.
How tall are you? 5’4 and 3/4. So 5’5 to anyone who asks.
How old are you? Happily 30.
Birth place? Only the best town ever: Green Bay, Wisconsin
Ancestral home? I would consider myself somewhat of a mutt. I know I have a lot of German, Belgian, Polish, Irish….I’m sure there’s plenty more.
Favorite color? Does glitter count? Okay then…pink or teale.
Favorite verse in the Bible? This is a tough one. I’ve read the entire Bible twice, but unfortunately didn’t pay enough attention to particular verses.
Favorite cuisine? Thai. (And cheeseburgers – because we all know cheeseburgers are a cuisine)
Favorite artist? Do you consider Taylor Swift an artist? Okay then. Done and done.
Strangest talent? My creativity.
Drink of choice? I mean, I die for a Pepsi about once a month. But the new Chestnut Praline Latte holiday drink at Starbucks has won my heart forever.
Biggest dream? Traveling the world, without worrying about affording it.
How do you take your coffee? With half and half, fat free milk, and real sugar. Just a pinch of each. And a Skinny Vanilla Latte with No Foam on Friday’s. Because: “We drink SVL’s on Fridays”
Currently obsessed with? Taylor Swift’s 1989 album (still. it has been months)
Biggest fear? Not being satisfied with my life. And death. Especially death.
Something you never thought you would get to do? Travel to the Maldives, stay in a hut over the ocean. Haven’t done it yet, but it’s on the schedule for June!
Humanitarian cause? I don’t really follow one particular cause. I believe in being a good person, and “paying it forward” when you can.
Skill you would like to learn? I mean, I would like to learn everything. One in particular? Can you teach me to be psychic?
Experience you want to have? On a very realistic note: Winning the lottery. On a more-likely-to happen note: Meeting Taylor Swift. Okay fine. I want to live happily ever after.
Something random about yourself? I draw mazes. Very detailed, hard-to-finish, mazes. Want to play? Start with the easy one below
Liz tagged several readers that she’d like to get to know better, so I’m going to follow suit. Don’t feel obligated to oblige, but have fun with it if you’d like: Breakfast With Bentley, Hugs x Heart, Life As I Know It, All Things Britney Lee, The Vodka Soda Escapades, Bunny Baubles, I Will Bloom, Weight2Lose2013, A Splash of Mimosa, Routine Dreamer, Joy Loves Travel
i really enjoyed reading the facts about you and yes I agree that Taylor Swift’s album 1989 is really good!!! Too bad she blocked it from Spotify :/
I know!! I have all her albums but Red in my iTunes, I listen to them all on repeat all day long. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE her. My goal is to somehow meet her at her concert this summer.
I was never a Taylor fan but I really like some of her song from her albums. At the moment I like Style! I hope you’ll get the chance to see her soon <3
You should listen to this, and let me know what you think. It makes me cry it’s so good:
Yes it’s a very nice song and performance 😀
i love getting to know you better through these answers shauna! i think i am going to start calling you sparkle-butt. cause that’s sparkle related…hahah
good luck with meeting taylor swift! i’m loving her new album
oh, and i love your new blog layout too!!
Hahaha Sparklepants, Sparklebutt…same diff. I can handle it! Hahaha! 🙂
haha sweet. sparklebutt it is.
Fun! Loved your answers, I’ll work on mine sometime this week 🙂
Can’t wait to read them!
This was a lot of fun to read. I completely understand your love for the Taylor Swift CD..I love it! It was also really cool to learn that you draw mazes, thats awesome! 🙂
Thanks!! My maze-drawing is a result of something of an ADHD. I cannot sit through meetings or lectures without doodling. It helps me pay attention! 🙂
Yay! Loved this! And love SVL’s and TS!
Ahhhhhhhhhh I knew we were meant to be! Hehe. Did you like the Chestnut Praline Lattes?!?! Please tell me you tried one!
I have not!! But I must! I tried the flat white, which was great!
Husbands’ reading blogs is the best! My honey’s review of mine was “surprisingly interesting”- which completely cracked me up. What’s yours say about, um, yours?
Hahaha he hasn’t read it yet, that I’m aware of. Because I waited and waited for breakfast in bed this morning and nothing. 😉
This was great! Holy cow that puzzle!!! O_o
Hahaha I know right? Total nerd. 🙂
Love it though! Nerd at heart right here. 🙂