In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been a little MIA lately. I just thought I’d let you know, since you probably didn’t actually notice. My mom noticed, so I guess that’s all that counts right? Right.
So where have I been? Traveling the world? I wish. Really, I’ve just been bumming around the Bay Area again. We had house guests for a while, which is typically the only reason I go bumming around the Bay Area. The traffic in and out of San Francisco is a good reminder of why we don’t make trips up there that often. Unless I’m getting ready to try out a new cheeseburger place in the city, my heart is just not in the trip.
I promise I’ll get back to crafting again soon, but until then, I thought I’d share a little visual tour of our weekend. Mostly through the eyes of my cousin’s daughter Evelyn. Who is the most beautiful five year old I’ve ever seen. That, and the random toddler in the photo above. The photo was just too good not to share!
My favorite photo of the entire weekend is below (to see it in color, check out Instagram – you’ve got to see her beautiful eyes). Maybe I’ll get real ambitious and enter it in a photography contest. What do you think?
We found a cool playground in the middle of Chinatown, in San Francisco. It turned out to be pretty fun for Evelyn, who was a pro at the monkey bars. I, however, pulled every muscle in my body attempting to cross them. This mysterious ‘getting old’ thing really blows. I used to be a borderline Olympic athlete when it came to the monkey bars.
We had to make a pit-stop at CREAM (ice cream sandwiches). Clearly, she didn’t enjoy her sandwich at all. I don’t even think she left one bite uneaten.
We took Evelyn to Santa Cruz, where she had a blast in the waves. Being from Wisconsin doesn’t leave you with a lot of ocean experience. She was a natural.
On the last day, we took her to Big Basin State Park, to see the redwoods. She was more excited to practice her “balance beams” with the fallen trees than seeing the in tact ones. Apparently she’s practicing her gymnastics to take the Olympic athlete title away from me.
I think Evelyn (and her mom) had a pretty eventful weekend. They saw almost everything there is to see in this area and then some. So tell me, which photo is your favorite?
Love all the pictures!
Yay!!! Had so much fun!
These photos are all amazing!
Thank you so much!!!
Meow… I am going to miss that little girl, always bugging me, petting me, not leaving me alone. But it was all worth it because she fed me endless treats to help me waddle even more than I do now. Meow.
Ohhhh right Lucy.
Lucy has a wordpress?! OMG!
Hahaha sort of. My cousin Michelle made it for her!
Gorgeous photos! I don’t think I can pick a favorite. And p.s. I, of course, noticed your absence so you should probably go ahead and send me a reward now 😉
Hahaha thanks for noticing! At least my mom wasn’t alone in that! 🙂 And thanks for the photo compliments!! 🙂
Such cool pictures, everything looks so artsy in black and white. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun. 🙂
Thank you so much! I agree about the B&W, I don’t usually use it but they turned out so beautiful that way!
Can’t pick a favorite. Love them all
That is a gorgeous photo (and yes, you should enter that into a photography contest!!!)!
I miss the bay area! <3 I grew up there, but haven't lived there for several years now. :[ I'd love to go back there someday! (+ hooray for playgrounds!!)
Thank you so much!!! I didn’t know you grew up here?! Where abouts? We are in San Jose, but I work at Stanford so the commute is ROUGH! Haha.
OMG I too love all the photos, but did love the one of her (and agree gorgeous eyes and YES enter in any sort of photography contest). I was lucky (not to see the absence, since you were so gracious to follow me…).
I know you don’t like ‘trips’ but you two really need to try and make it up here to the PNW sometime – you’ll have some great photo ops.
Thank you for sharing and being YOU! Tell Mr. Police Officer I’m glad he has such a endearing wife. 🙂
Oh my gosh we totally want to make it up towards you soon. My husband has family in Seattle, and they keep asking us to come visit. I would have liked to go in the summer (apparently they have a pretty nice beach house somewhere close?), but it might have to be in the winter. I have been to Seattle before, and just loved the city! I also have wanted to go stay in the treehouse hotel (have you heard of it?), outside Seattle!
Gorgeous pictures <3
The Cutielicious
Thank you so much! Thanks for visiting!
So fun and such great pictures! I love that last one the very best!! So beautiful!
Thank you so much!! The last one is pretty cool, she had a great time in the forest. She’s a WI native, so of course she likes the trees! 🙂
All the photos are beautiful but my favorites are the one of Michelle and Evelyn in front of the GGB and the random toddler, of course!
Me too!!!!!