*Pinterest Fail Alert*
I’ve been called the crafting queen many times (seriously, hearing that never gets old), but the truth can sometimes be hard to believe. I am not always that great at creating projects. I cannot paint pictures. I cannot draw. I am not good at following directions. So when I saw this tutorial on It All Started With Paint, I thought: Rubber-bands and spray paint? Pshhhhhhh (that’s me acting like it’s too easy). Clearly, I could do this.
I know what you’re thinking: this project has Sparkle written all over it. How could you fail? How could you not take this project, run with it, and make it even more amazing? What could go wrong? You are the crafting queen! There’s only one thing you’re good at, and it’s crafting!
Well. If you thought any of those things, you put too much faith in Sparkle.
I already had all the ingredients, so I got to work on my project immediately. Sort of. Of course I had to change it up just a bit, you know, because it won’t sparkle without some added Sparkle. Instead of rubberbands, I used painter’s tape to tape off the mummy strips. The problem? When I peeled the tape off, the gold paint came with. As you can see from two of my mummy jars, it was definitely a Pinterest fail. Or, I guess, technically it was a Sparkle fail. Since I clearly didn’t follow directions well.
Overall, the original creator of this project definitely deserves some props. She clearly knew what she was doing with those rubber-bands. Too bad for my co-workers, because they’re still getting these mummified mummy jars.
I wouldn’t call it a fail! Besides, Halloween decorations are sometimes creepy so the cracks can actually just add to the effect 🙂
I agree with Jamie – not a fail! You just added a little more Halloween embellish – besides, remember my Pinterest Fail with the mini pumpkins (mini bundt cakes)? LOL And the second attempt turned out perfectly (like yours).
BUT, I have had some Pinterest fails and they are funny.
Hahaha we are all just trying to be Pinterest pros aren’t we?! I agree, they’re super funny when you fail. Mine only look like they didn’t fail because I tried to salvage them by spraying the gold paint into the interior of the jar! Hahaha!
Totally!!!! I had to spray paint the inside of the jars gold, to make it look somewhat acceptable!! 🙂
Haha! It still looks far better than many of my other Pinterest attempts! You made it work!:)
Oh my gosh I wish my projects turned out as cute as yours! Btw…just printed off your little Halloween packets, going to distribute them to people at work. About to sew 40 of them! Ahhhhhhh pray for me.
The fact that you think this is a fail shows how brilliant you are at crafts! If you saw my attempts….haha! I absolutely LOVE your blog!
Awww thank you so much!!! I definitely tried to salvage them. I had to spray the gold paint into the insides of the jar otherwise it would have been even worse! 🙂
We would never have known they were a “fail”, they still look great!
Hahaha well I had to salvage them. 🙂
I think they’re adorable!
Thanks Julia!!! 🙂
Oh my gosh thank you for showing me them in the first place, and I wish they turned out as cute as the tutorial I saw!