It’s officially Spring now, even over there on the East coast where you’re still experiencing snow and colder than cold temperatures. I love the idea that Spring brings warm weather and lots of sunshine, but growing up in Wisconsin, I know better than to trust that damn groundhog. I remember having snow in May, which I suppose wouldn’t be the end of the world if we hadn’t gone trick-or-treating the Autumn before in full snowsuits. I definitely couldn’t handle seven months of snow/cold weather, so I got my butt outta there. Now I’m freezing when the temperature hits 40 at night! I mean, come on, that’s quite chilly.
In honor of Spring, and the best Spring holiday (Easter…for those of you that couldn’t figure that out), I went out in full-decorating mode last week. Our house looks like an Easter bunny threw up Easter eggs all over the place. St. Patrick’s Day was officially taken down and put away the day after, and up went all of our bunny and egg decorations. I only had ten days to display my Easter decorations, and (Damn It!) I was going to take full advantage of each one. I put up bunny’s and eggs, Easter prints and garlands, photos and candles. And I was done. I sat back to enjoy my handiwork, and then I saw it. I was missing something in one area. It had to be fixed immediately.
I went in search of some new decorations at my favorite store, Dollar Tree (whoop whoop!). I bought a yellow/clear vase, a pack of faux flowers, and a pack of “Egg Picks.” I already had burlap ribbon (also from DT), and a can of this pretty spray paint (leftover from last year’s Easter crafts). I sprayed the vase, glued on the ribbon, and stuffed the rest inside. It turned out rather cute if I do say so myself. Which I do. So it’s obviously quite cute.
I’m always seeing how everyone else uses their Dollar Store products to make cute decorations, and I think I can finally join the club. I was pretty impressed, and definitely think this is one of those “easy-peasy” things that anyone else could do too. So tell me, does this seem as easy as it looks? What’s your favorite way to decorate for Easter?
This is cute but where is the Seroogy chocolate fudge egg??
Ohhhhhhhhhh you haven’t sent it yet!
My sparklepants is so damn creative!! Love the holidays at our house. When are the masters decorations going up???
Easter’s over on Sunday so…
This is the cutest idea!! So creative!
Thank you!!! How’s the baby?! I’ve gotta catch up on your site soon!
Such a cute idea!! You’re so creative 🙂
Edye // Gracefulcoffee
Thank you!!! Thanks for visiting my blog too! 🙂
Surely your creative juices are flowing in abundance <3 I love reading your DIY posts. (read ogling at those amazing pictures and wondering whether I left my crafting ideas back in my mother's womb 😛 )
Wishing you and your wonderful family a Happy Easter 🙂
P.S.- I am in the mid-west now and tell me about the nippy nights even when it is supposed to be Spring :\ But snow in May ? That is quite something! O_o
Ohhhh I hope that you had an amazing Easter!!! Thank you for the compliments, I never feel like my projects are that cool. I like to think of them as easier for the ‘everyday person.’ Hahah!!!