It’s that time of year again! For some of you, it is the ‘Dreaded Elf on the Shelf’ season. For the rest of you it’s the exciting ‘Watch What Everyone Does with That Hilarious Elf’ season (if you couldn’t guess, this group is my favorite of the two). I’ve been juggling both groups for the past five years or so, but I’ve come to accept that about half of my Facebook friends will unfollow me for the entire month of December. They’re clearly from the first group. It’s unfortunate really, but I just can’t control Reuben, he’s got a mind of his own. He’s also a little offensive every once in a while, so proceed with caution!

If you missed Reuben’s previous years, you can see highlights here, here and here. Otherwise, search Instagram for Reuben’s own hashtag (which is mostly him, with the exception of one fool who had the audacity to use Reuben’s hashtag): #reubentheelf
Tell me, which Reuben has been your favorite?
Haha these crack me up every year!
Hope this year is good – harder with an infant in tow!
Hahaha these are great!!
Thank you!!! A lot of effort goes into each one!
Hilarious…still!! I love them all.
lol! He seems to be less naughty than last year!
Wow very nice, Keep posting such Fantastic Posts…:-):-):-)