You know how you do something once and then next time it has to be even better? Yeah, that’s how I was feeling when I put together Sawyer’s Easter basket. Her St. Patrick’s basket was SO cool that I had a hard time topping it.
I decided to go with a few larger items that she’d love versus a bunch of small stuff she’d play with once and move on. I came up with a Mermaid theme (I’m a sucker for themed everything) and off I went.
I found most of my stuff at Marshall’s and Ross, but I’ve found links for you to the exact items at other stores. I scored the Sperry’s for $12 at Marshall’s but couldn’t find the exact pair for you, so I linked a similar option.

After looking at her face, I think it’s safe to say that she loved it all! Too bad she doesn’t get to play with any of it for a few more weeks!

In case you’re looking for any of these items, here’s a list for you!
Once again, you out did yourself. Good thing you only have one kid, I could never have done that with 4 kids. It was beautiful!!!
Thank you so much!!! <3
I just want to know where the chocolate Is? Love everything in this basket.
Candy free in this house. HAHAH!
Just kidding. Grandma will send all of that.
I love it!!
Yay thank you!
So cautteee GF you’re so crafty!
Awww thank you love!