You know how you never have enough time to do craft projects? Yeah, same here. But guess what? We’re officially stuck inside for the foreseeable future, so now is the time to get started. No more excuses.
Sawyer had so much fun with a Valentine fairy ‘countdown’ we did, that I thought it would be fun to make her an Easter countdown as well. I built the ladder before Christmas in the hopes of putting together an advent calendar but as I mentioned before, I can’t ever find the time to finish what I start. But now I have this fancy ladder all ready to go. I knew it would serve a purpose eventually (I told you so, husband!).
I found these sacks at the Dollar Tree (4/$1) pre-COVID19 – although I do think the store is still open in most areas. I stuffed them each with an Easter egg, and in each egg is a little present (think stamps, stickers, candy, etc). Each day she’ll get to open one sack until Easter Sunday. If she understood money, I’d put a quarter or a few coins in each one too (in case you don’t have any little treats on hand).
I used my Cricut to cut out bunny shapes, then numbers. I used hot glue to attach the numbers to the bunnies, and then I used one cottonball and pulled apart tiny pieces of cotton that I hot glued onto the bunnies for cottontails.
If you weren’t lucky enough to have sacks like this on hand, this would work just as well with brown paper lunch bags. You can cut bunny ears out of the top and draw bunny faces on each one. And if you don’t have a ladder, it could be strung up anywhere you have the space. Don’t let a little home quarantine pass without some fun crafts! (Says the woman who finally found the time to finish one!)
Love this idea. New traditions are great
Aren’t they fun!?
This is the cutest idea! I want to definitely do this next year for my kids, they would LOVE it!
You should totally do it! I can’t wait to do it every year!
I think that was a great ldea.that is something you could do for valentine day, or xmass, or a special occasion for her birthday parties.l am sure you have better ldeas tham mine.l love it.
Yes!!! We have been doing them for all the holidays! We love you!