The past two weeks have been a very tough time for most Americans. We understand that there are bad human beings in this world, but we are seeing a lot of them showcased on the nightly news and social media. It’s disheartening to watch our country being so divided, its discouraging to watch places burn. So let me start by saying that I’ve always hoped to be a place of positivity, a place to continue to spread messages of hope and love. During a very divisive time in history, I don’t want to further the spread of hate and negativity, so I will be here to lighten spirits and hopefully spread some love.
My husband is in law enforcement, I’ve made no secret of that. We are extremely proud of him every day for protecting our city and for standing up for people that may not have a voice. It’s not an easy job, and for men and women to put their lives on the line for strangers is an incredibly brave thing to do.

Four years ago, when we were going through a similar time in our country, I designed these printables to hand out to officers if we came in contact with them. It was something small we could do to show them we are supporting them. I never posted them because I just wasn’t sure how to express how we felt.
Make no mistake. We do not condone violence in any way in our home. Not of human beings of any color, not of police officers that are there to protect and serve. In our house, we teach kindness and love, period. We simply want to spread a message of hope to other police officers that may be feeling like it isn’t worth it right about now. We support you and we stand behind you.

If you’d like to print some of these for your community, download the pdf below:
That’s a GREAT idea, Shauna. I love it.
Oh how I miss you!!! I hope you’re doing well! 🙂
I am! It’s wonderful to ‘see’ you again, too. How have you been?
I’ve been good! I need to get back blogging more, but alas, life. Haha
This is perfect. I’ll be printing some out.
They’re perfect to keep in your purse and hand out as you see them!
Such a great idea!! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much for reading! 🙂