If you’ve been following me for a while, it’s got to be very clear what my favorite colors and themes are. I think the last five parties I’ve thrown have all centered around the sea in some way or form. What can I say, I like to be predictable.
I wasn’t sold on the idea of a baby shower (sprinkle) for our new baby girl, but then I saw the “Baby on Board” theme and I was instantly hooked. These colors just soothe the soul, and I knew I had to decorate with them (again). Can you guess what colors the new nursery is going to be?
Because of the current virus, we only invited a few people. But if you know me, that doesn’t mean I’d do anything less. I probably went a little overboard for the size of the party, but I’d do it again in a heartbeat. I can’t just throw an ordinary party now can I?
Apparently, I also cannot throw a party without doing a balloon garland (listen, they’re easy (but time consuming) and they turn ordinary into extraordinary). My mom may disagree with you, because every party I throw she has to help me with the balloon garland. And basically for about an hour she questions why she had a child at all. Luckily, after we are done I think I usually win her love back. Hopefully.
Here’s the balloon pack I ordered from Amazon (I didn’t use any silver balloons, and only a few of the gray), and I added in these dark blue balloons because I wanted that navy color included. I never use the balloon garland strips that come with the kits, instead I blow up all the balloons, tie the ends in groups of three, and then tie that piece to one long string. That way they’re all moveable up or down to group them as you want them.

One other easy thing to turn a blah party into a fabulous party is custom sugar cookies. Note to self: most cookie decorators are booked for at LEAST a month in advance. So don’t hesitate to get your orders in as soon as you can. I ordered mine from a local gal who did an excellent job with the mood board I sent her. Aren’t they gorgeous?
The night before the party I put together this “Baby on Board” surfboard. It turned out pretty cute and ended up being the focal point of the tablescape. I freehand cut the board out of foam core (or you can use cardboard), and used three pieces of scrapbook paper (in a wood pattern) to cover it. Then I used my Cricut to print the Baby on Board banner.
I also waited for the last minute to do any of this party prep, in true Shauna fashion. I may have given my mom more to worry about than she could handle. What fun would it be if we were better prepared?

Most of the sea decor we had at home already, which made decorating easy. However, Hobby Lobby always has a lot of good sea decor too, so wait for their 50% off sale and scoop it all up!
Our little family of three is ready to welcome another baby girl in June!
Pictures are gorgeous. Congrats again on baby!!
Everything was fun to do except the balloon garland😁😁