Sawyer has been asking to go to Disneyland for years. Being as it’s only an hour away, it seems like it would have been logical to take her by now. But between the pandemic and having a new baby at home, it just wasn’t possible. Until now.
We finally got our stuff together and planned a Disney trip. Seeing as how I’m a little bit of a planner, I had to be ready to wait in all the lines. We do have a toddler after all.
I decided to make little Disney Bingo sheets for the girls to play while they waited in line. I thought it would give them something to do (and keep us sane) for approximately two point six minutes in each line. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it honestly kept Sawyer’s attention for at least 15 minutes in each line. She then proceeded to want to play while walking through the whole park. I guess I won that one.

You can download your own bingo sheets below. I decided to laminate mine and use a dry erase pen, because I’m a complete nerd and LOVE my laminator, but you could just print them and use a regular pen instead! That makes it easier to toss when you’re done!
What do you think? Do you think your kiddos would stay occupied with this?