So, as it turns out, I have an almost three year old. Crazy right? I could swear she was just born, but alas, she’s been here for quite some time. Being that I’m in the middle of planning her third birthday party, I realized I never shared her second birthday party. From a year ago. Yes, I’m that on top of my game.

There’s only a few years of birthdays that I get to choose the theme (hello Minnie Mouse this coming birthday), so I figured why not go all out for the last one I get to choose. I’m sure my future will be filled with plenty of princesses, mermaids, and bounce houses. But for now, I’ll keep the themes cool.

I wanted to pick an original theme, but coming up with one can be a little difficult. Eventually (read: after hours and hours of Pinterest cruising) I came up with a Cabana party. Now, you may be thinking that isn’t that original of a theme, but a cabana party without a pool? Now THAT is original. So that’s what we did. I created a “poolside” cabana party in my backyard. Without a pool.

Since everything I do is on a budget, I struck out to create a Cabana without spending too much. I ordered most of my stuff off Temu/Amazon, and overall I’d say it was done under $100 (without food/drinks).

One of my favorite pieces was the homemade cabana I made from pallets. Two pallets, some foam, a sheet cover and a bed skirt…and you’ve got a homemade cabana. I borrowed a pretty umbrella from a friend, and voila. Could it be any cuter?
I also made my own poolside snack stand by creating shutters from foam board and an awning from an $8 photography backdrop! The whole thing turned out so cute for a grand total of $10.
She may have only been turning two, but she had the BEST time, and I will never forget the smiles on her face (mostly because I have videos to prove it, my memory is shot). I think this coming birthday may top it though, being that she is obsessed with Minnie Mouse. Stay tuned…
Other vendors include:
SunJellies Baskets
Lushra Balloons
SweetFiend Bakery