You guys know how much I embrace the first three years of my children’s lives. The sweet baby smells, the snuggles, the complete control over which birthday party themes you get to throw. You know, the important stuff.

Quinn was VERY specific about her third birthday party. It was going to be Minnie Mouse, and it was going to be purple. Of course, Minnie Mouse is not very original, but whatevs, I knew how much it would mean to one little mouse. So off I went, thinking I’d be able to get some fun stuff for her from my typical party websites.

NOT the case. Hardly anything comes in purple for Minnie Mouse, so I did what I should have done from the start, and started creating myself.
I found some purple mouse head balloons from Temu, and mixed them with a purple balloon kit. The balloons may have been one of my favorite things, maybe a close second to the photo strips. Taking her photos was not only fun, but the results were my FAVORITE. She has such a personality, and it showed through this shoot.

I made my own piñata of course, as is starting to become customary in this house. It sounds all fun and games until you’re up until midnight gluing tissue paper onto cardboard. Thankfully my husband pours drinks in this household.

At every party, I try to keep the kids occupied with something to do. We played ‘pin the bow on Minnie,’ had a Minnie Mouse scavenger hunt, and broke open the piñata. Then cake and ice cream, presents, and a swift kick to the butt and out the door they went. Okay not exactly, but close.