Welcome to my blog! My name is Shauna Rae, but my friends call me Sparkle. I’m a 30ish (with a strong emphasis on the “ish”) woman, married to my best friend (cliche, I know), new mama to a beautiful baby girl and my first daughter, our furball, Lucy. Other than those three, I have three main loves: Crafting, Traveling, and Eating. A lot. Of all three.
So what will you find here? A little of everything, and a lot of crafting. I try to stick to simple DIY projects that anyone can pull off (if I can do it, you can do it!), and I eat a cheeseburger or two along the way. Hopefully two. Or more.
I also like to travel as often as I can, so when I get lucky enough, you’ll be invited along on our trip. And that’s clearly a metaphor, because you are not actually invited. You’ll need to settle for the photos.
So pull up a chair and get to know me a little. I’d love to hear from you if you have suggestions, tips, or if you know of an amazing burger that I must put on my “to try” list. Seriously, mostly just the last one.