I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I’m not very good at decorating. I like to pretend, and every once in a while, I’m able to pull a fast one on my husband. I wish I took after my mother; the woman could have trained Joanna Gaines for heaven’s sake. When we bought our house, we asked her to kindly come out and see our First Home, with no intention whatsoever of hoping she would decorate it for us. Which she did. Promptly. Probably because she saw my incredibly horrible sense of decorating and knew something had to be done immediately. On the bright side, I’m better than my husband, which is something. If I let him, he’d hang a framed photo of Rambo in our living room. Love you babe.
When it comes to holiday decorating, I’m always so jealous of those beautifully decorated homes. The ones that elicit fabulous feelings when you walk through the door. The ones that proclaim, “I hired professionals.” But because I can’t fly my mom out here for every holiday, I guess it’s up to me to put up a half-assed attempt at decorating.
I always start with the same thing. Holiday prints. I have go-to frames that I use to change out holiday prints, and I’m always looking for new printables. Because of this, I scammed my cousin into creating a few 4th of July prints that I could use. Since she graced me with her design abilities, I thought I’d share them with you too.
Because two prints are never enough, I also did a little DIYing…which I’m sure surprised you. I printed a map of the USA on cardstock, cut it out, and applied glitter to the entire thing. I glued it to a piece of decorative paper, put that baby in a frame, and voila! A little handmade magic.