If you had asked me ten years ago where I would be today, I probably would have given you a hundred answers, none of which would be my current situation. That isn’t to say I’m not happy with where I ended up, it just wasn’t expected. I think we can all agree that life is so completely surprising, you cannot predict much. You may want to have a certain career, marry a specific person, or end up with two children, a white picket fence, and a golden retriever. Then life happens. You wake up one day with a job you didn’t expect to have, a marriage you had never thought possible, four kids and a very lazy fat cat. At least I have an unbelievably happy marriage and the fat cat. Two of the five isn’t bad.
It was just as unexpected for me, as I’m sure anyone who knew me, to meet and then fall in love with a police officer. Not that I wasn’t a law-abiding citizen by any means (here’s where some of my friends and family may snicker), but it was just unexpected. I would guess that it’s the same feeling many have about marrying someone in the military. While it may not be your ideal, it’s your reality. We fall in love with a person, not their career. And then we learn to deal with everything that comes along with it.
My husband is a police officer. It’s not something we talk about to just anyone. In today’s society it seems to be getting such a negative reaction, that it sometimes seems best to just keep that information under wraps. I cannot imagine putting my life on the line every day I go to work. I cannot imagine what that would entail, or what kind of emotional toll it would take on you. I, however, can imagine what it’s like to avoid going out in the city he works, so he doesn’t have to run into someone he’s arrested. I know what it’s like to always give him the chair that is facing the door when we go out for dinner. I know what it’s like to sleep alone most nights of the week. I know what it’s like to be woken up by a very scary phone call. I know what it’s like to appreciate him every second I have him. Except maybe after he plays a bad golf round. Then he’s just a big grump.
Even then, even when he’s being a pain in the ass (who, him?), I like to remind him that I love him. And when I read some Bible verses relating to police work, I thought I could remind him that God loves him too. I designed these little note cards to put in his lunch when he works, to give him a little uplifting reminder that his job is important. Maybe it’s a little cheesy, but we can all use reminders every now and then. Or in his case, every day. Do you think he’s sick of me yet? 😉
You can print your set of Police Officer Bible Verse cards here. And if you’d like a little uplifting reminder of the good cops, look back on this post.