Remember back in grade school, when you made a Valentine Mailbox, and everyone in your class gave you a Valentine? Then you grew up and had to “adult” and all the fun was taken out of Valentine’s Day. You had to trade in your Valentine Mailbox for a work desk stacked with things that needed to get done. I wish we could bring back the Valentine Mailbox to our grown up jobs. I would love to spend Friday taking in Valentine’s from all of my co-workers. I’d hope that we’ve graduated from paper Valentine’s to things like cheeseburgers, slices of pizza, cupcakes, etc. I would even settle for some coffee and wine. Why can’t we all just adopt this way of celebrating? I will gladly accept your food and drinks, and in exchange I will give you this adorable little rubber ducky.
This isn’t just any regular rubber ducky. It’s a miniature one. And it’s adorable. Who wouldn’t want a eenie meenie tiny rubber ducky? It is worth at least five cheeseburgers. Plus, it comes with it’s own adorable little tag. Clearly it’s even better than the cheeseburgers.
In case you have come over to the bright side, and realized how amazing these little rubber duckies are, you can find your own pack at Michael’s. Then print the tag below, and you’ve got an adorable little Valentine to give to all of your favorite friends or co-workers! Hopefully all of my co-workers will read this and decide to bring me cheeseburgers and pizza on Friday. They should not be worried that I am traveling to Mexico on Saturday and will be spending the weekend in a bikini. Puhhhlease. It’s worth it.