I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: I’m not a fan of wedding showers. Even when it was my own. But when your boss puts you in charge of throwing a wedding shower at work, you take the bull by the reins and you throw that party. Even if it’s for a dude. A straight dude. A straight dude who doesn’t particularly even want a wedding shower. And then you throw that dude the best work wedding shower he could have hoped for. Because, well, let’s be honest with ourselves. The best part of a shower is the alcohol. And when you have a work wedding shower, there is zero alcohol. Zip. Zilch. Nada. You get the point.
This particular dude loves the San Francisco 49ers and the San Francisco Giants. Because I couldn’t fathom throwing a 49ers party (Go Pack Go!), my vote went towards the Giants party. I wanted a winning party, and the 49ers just aren’t there yet (ohhhhh burn). Besides, baseball is a much easier theme. I was thinking Popcorn! Peanuts! Crackerjacks! And that’s what he got. And it was the best wedding shower he’s ever had. Okay the only. But it was damn good.
Since I had a rather small budget (about $2.50 per person), I made just about everything by hand. I started with this baseball serving dish, and this wooden stand. I used picture frames from home, printed baseball quotes and Giant’s photos. I printed several Giants logos on cardstock, and used them to decorate around the room. I borrowed baseballs from friends and filled vases, along with orange beads. I converted a box top into a large Popcorn tray, with red construction paper and red/white Popcorn pattern. I wanted to create a “Snack Bar” along one wall, so I purchased these snack items:
Snack Ideas
Baby Ruth Candy Bars
Bubble Gum (Big League Chew if it’s within budget)
Cheese Ball Puffs
I picked up black cups, white favor boxes, and tuxedo boxes from The Dollar Tree, that I decorated with Giants logos I printed at home. I printed these table tents for snack descriptions, this Giants Snack Bar Banner (print this Snack Bar Banner without Giants logo), and printed these Under-Eye Stickers (on mailing labels, that I cut out individually).
Since our guest of honor didn’t want to be the center of attention, we decided to give him a collected amount in a gift card instead of embarrassing him with a gift opening. Because of this, I wanted to come up with some time-consuming tasks. I started with a homemade photo booth. I printed these props, and took photos of the guests in front of a white wall backdrop (white wrapping paper). I printed out Giant’s logos and added them to the white backdrop.
I printed out small baseballs on white cardstock and had everyone write their marriage advice for our guy on each ball.
And because no guy wants to play a real wedding shower game, I printed all these famous men heads, glued them to mini-tux’s, and stuck one under each chair. Whoever’s chair held our groom’s head, won a door prize.
I also filled a vase with peanuts, and had guests guess how many peanuts were in the vase. That person also won a door prize: a Popcorn bucket (Dollar Tree), filled with popcorn packs, peanut packs, crackerjacks, Big League Chew, full size candy bars, and a water bottle.
So what do you think? If you were a guy, would you like this wedding shower?