Great news people! I bought my very first saw last weekend. Yes, a saw. And yes, I am that happy about it. My saw is nothing special, just the cheapest thing that Wal-Mart had. Cheap is good.
On the drive home, with my new gleaming purchase riding shotgun next to me, I realized I need to break her in. So I stopped at the dumpster, picked up a pallet, and attempted to squeeze it into my backseat. Let’s just say that my backseat is missing a little “junk in the trunk.” It could be bigger. Or the pallet could have been smaller. Either way, I injured Zoe (my car) a little. Don’t worry, we went for ice cream just so she would feel better.
I got home, struggled with getting the pallet back out of the car, and showed my husband my new purchase! The fact that he wasn’t as excited about my new saw as I was, was not going to ruin my day. I went to work.
I christened my saw on the pallet slats (after I broke a bottle of champagne over them of course), cutting them off one by one. I cut them in half, and made 10 smaller pieces. My box didn’t need a bottom or sides (my box is like a show
pony box, she just needs to look good from the front), so I nailed three pieces together with two support pieces. I made three of these, then nailed them all together for a three sided box. I also used two smaller pieces to support the bottom, so it didn’t wiggle. There was no room for wiggle. See what I did there?!
After my box was all put together, I sprayed it lightly with a little white spray paint. Gave it an overall glow. After all, it is a piece of art.
(Side note: Yes, I know my box is misshapen and some may see it as “ugly.” All I see is beauty.) 😉