Happy Birthday to ME! I’m turning the big 3-1 today, and I’m really excited about it. While it isn’t a monumental birthday year, it’s still another year on this glorious planet (okay, so semi-glorious – if I was on a beach sipping a cocktail, it would be much more glorious). In real life, I will be on a beach in a few short weeks, so I won’t complain (too much).
After I hand out all my birthday blessing bags (see this post from last year), I will have a cheeseburger on a patio somewhere, while drinking a beer, and thanking God for another wonderful year. While you may not appreciate birthdays as much as I do, the alternative is pretty grim. So try to take a second to appreciate that you have been blessed with another year on Earth, and do something crazy. After all, you only get one life. And because I only get one year to be 31, I’m going to make it great. I’ll start with a trip to Mexico in a few short weeks. Tacos and tequila here I come!
For those of you that don’t want to spend your dinero on a trip to Mexico, you can start with making a simple chalkboard sign to bring in your birthday. Or your friend’s birthday, or your cat’s birthday, or even your stuffed animal’s; I don’t judge. Start with the dollar store, and a pizza pan. Use chalkboard paint of any kind to spray and cover the whole pan (about 3 coats). And you’re done.
The only thing missing is the “chalkboard writing” class that someone should offer. Clearly my handwriting is horrible. But since it’s my birthday, you’ll give me a pass right?